Human Capital
At RedHolt, we operate and drive success with our methodology, this is key to driving a positive result
Over the years we have delivered hundreds of successful placements from mid-level to C-Suite using our approach. We have found that the feedback validates the belief we have in adopting a structured facilitated approach to the entire process. This creates assurance and confidence for hiring managers, and a level of trust based on professionalism with candidates.
With our methodology at the core of what we do, and the investment we have made into digital enablement, the results RedHolt generates on the assignments we are engaged to deliver consistently meet and exceed expectations from all stakeholders. All digital shortlists include candidate resumes, screening notes, short video footage answering 3 key questions, and psychometric evaluations as standard
Our search methodology is broken down into 5 stages
- Role briefing
- Longlisting
- Shortlisting
- Selection
- Resignation & after care
For more information, please click on the link below, to hear our CEO give more details - RedHolt Methodology Overview (odro.co.uk)

Contract recruitment

At RedHolt, we operate across the permanent and contract market, and ensure that the RedHolt methodology is applied to both types of recruitment. We use the same sourcing & campaign approach for our contract searches, working with the clients to ensure we meet their timelines and deadlines, to ensure a successful outcome
We have worked with several clients on their contract requirements to help with transformation projects, skill set cover, talent shortages, strengthening the workforce, and even planning for future growth. We are experienced in managing and leading contract searches, and ensure that we put clients in the position to make hiring decisions quickly, and right the first time
If you would like to find out more, please contact one of our team

The OTTRED community was founded by, and is run by Chris Redmond, and was created to bring like minded people together. It's the first of its kind in the space. OTTRED is a leading community for professionals in the OTT domain globally.
It is a talent economy, where the currency is the equity associated with the experience members bring to the community. We create, we innovate, we share and we create value for our members
You can join the OTTRED whatsapp group, and also listen to our leading podcasts on Spotify
⚙️ what we do: https://producer.odro.co.uk/v/u5XD7x4mih
📲 The OTTRED App: https://ottred.glideapp.io
🎧 the OTTRED SPOTLIGHT podcast with executives from all over the world in the broadcast & OTT sector on youtube and spotify:
Get access to our OTTRED Circle Community by filling this form: https://forms.wix.com/r/7194568205401064112
Please contact Chris for more details - Chris@redholt.net